In May 2006, in the context of strong mobilisation against the Code on Entry and Stay of Foreigners and Right of Asylum (CESEDA) reform, the Interior Ministry announced a re-examination of the administrative situation of undocumented families with children going to school.
“In 2006 a quota was decided by the Interior Ministry for the regularisation of schoolchildren’s parents. This method created major injustices and incomprehensible decisions for people who were refused legal status, although they fulfilled the same conditions as those who were able to fit in the quota.”
Laurent Giovannoni – Cimade General Secretary - April 2008
> Source
- « Le guide de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers en France » réalisé par le Gisti. Groupe d’Information et de Soutien des Immigrés. Édition - La découverte – 2008.